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BobbyStrebs (1616767)
Joined 2019-12-13
Paradox: contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.
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Actions prove whose lives are more valuable to Hamas. in politics
2 ups, 2d
The IDF did not claim it to be a mistake. Find the video. Hamas ammo cache exploded.
Trump pissing on the left even with his eyes closed. in politics
1 up, 2mo
It's called insanity, right? Doing the same shit over and over again and expecting a different result?
Squatters all over the place. in politics
3 ups, 2mo
None of the above.
Move along.
Squatters all over the place. in politics
3 ups, 2mo
Hamas brought its resistance to its own living space.
The results are what to be expected.
A mystery? No. Expectation.
Squatters all over the place. in politics
3 ups, 2mo
No. Berlin.