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NonDescript (2023531)
Joined 2019-02-27
If I put a description here, I wouldn't be NonDescript, now would I?
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How'd we go from "we incorporate newer songs" to "we're not like THOSE churches"? in conservatives
0 ups, 2w
Again, all live/lived in pretty different societies. But like I said, I do get your point. It all depends (speaking from a Christian/Protestant/Evangelical perspective) on the ministry, I guess.
How'd we go from "we incorporate newer songs" to "we're not like THOSE churches"? in conservatives
0 ups, 2w
Stupid me hit reply too soon...

Plus, His ministry was a bit different than mere pastorship, so he couldn't exactly stay in place too long. But I get it. Living off charity can be possible, but if God places you in a location for a decade or two, maybe having a place of residence isn't too bad.
How'd we go from "we incorporate newer songs" to "we're not like THOSE churches"? in conservatives
0 ups, 2w
Ah. Yeah, I have a way limited knowledge of Mormonism.

"Jesus did it." Assuming you are referring to living without a salary... In fairness, being fully God and fully man doesn't hurt to begin with. 😁
How'd we go from "we incorporate newer songs" to "we're not like THOSE churches"? in conservatives
0 ups, 2w
I think I know where you're coming from, and I do agree to some extent, but being a Pastor (the proverbial shepherd of the flock) can be an extensive full-time job that goes far beyond the Sunday morning sermon. And especially if the Pastor has a family, that can put quite a bit of strain on him if he has to work a full-time job in addition. Some well-established Churches do provide at the very least a modest house with reduced or eliminated expenses (parsonages), but either way, I do think there should be some compensation for voluntarily serving in that level of Spiritual or Biblical leadership
Change My Mind in The_Think_Tank
1 up, 2w
It's been 5 months, but keep it that way