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SezmoTheWorstForsyth (52063)
Joined 2020-12-09
My YouTube channels: Sezmo is the Worst at: poetry, gaming, memes and IRL. Take a peek leave some hate.
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If it isn't a human right based on the labor of others, then no rights exist at all. in politics
1 up, 4d
you are not stating a fact. you are stating suppositions. just because you believe in a god does not make a god real to everyone else, only to you, and if your rights are god given then why does your god allow them to be taken away? such as when they signed the patriot act, or all the people suffering under authoritarian regimes like in north korea? no, there is no god and the only rights you have are the rights the society you were born into grants you. there was a time on this planet when rape was throught of as a right because women had no authority in the law or in general, nothing protected them. and if there is a god that god would be responsible for all of those things because all things including evil come from said god. so either there is a god that is evil and malevolent, or there is no god and humans are collectively and individually both evil and good.
If it isn't a human right based on the labor of others, then no rights exist at all. in politics
1 up, 4d
bulls do shit but that dosent make your argument valid.
If it isn't a human right based on the labor of others, then no rights exist at all. in politics
1 up, 4d
there is no god, and this meme is in response to people who say that something are not a right because they require human labor, meanwhile, all right require labor. a piece of parchment dosent give you rights. society does.
If it isn't a human right based on the labor of others, then no rights exist at all. in politics
1 up, 4d
is that all youve got? just calling it bullshit? but you cant say why you think it is bullshit or anything like that huh? i also think you dont really understand what the argument im making is. just having a knee jerk reaction without understanding.
the usual stupidity. in politics
0 ups, 5d
its on twitter @rothmus